Interview with Odonis Odonis

On April 16th, 2013 local Industrial | Surf | Gaze band Odonis Odonis will release their 2nd album, an EP named “Better”, on Buzz Records. We were lucky enough to be provided early access to the six tracks. Their sound isn’t for everyone, but then again neither is Celine Dion.

“Better” is a great album with a hard-hitting and a little bit eerie of a vibe. Imagine what a robot surfer hit man, tripping on LSD, would be listening to just
before he takes out his next victim, and you would have Odonis Odonis.

As good as a studio-recorded album can sound, we wanted to check them out live to see how they stand up. We got our chance at the Drake Underground the first week of April. Odonis Odonis are a no-nonsense band who get right to the heart of the matter. During their show, there is no cushy intro or explanation of song names; they just start playing hard, fast and loud right out of the gate. You can tell they love it. More importantly, the audience loves them for it.

Check out for show times and dates.

We had the chance to interrupt the band’s pre-show meal of Vietnamese noodles to
ask a few questions about the band and their future.

Dean Tzenos – Guitar, Vocals
Jarod Gibson – Drums, Vocals
Denholm Whale – Bass, Vocals

What were looking for as you were building the band?

Denholm: We got lucky.

Dean: We did get lucky.

Jarod: But we did a lot of searching and tried a lot too.

Dean: Jarod and I hooked up pretty early in the process. At the time Chris from Metz was in the band, and we wanting to get an electronic drummer and we found Jarod probably a year before we found Denholm. Jarod and I really started building up the project together and Denholm came in probably 3 months before we played our first
show. As soon as Denholm came in, he was just the guy that gelled.

What has changed since the Hollandaze album?

Dean: I think we just developed as a band. We’ve been on tour since the album came
out until this summer. As soon as we got back we started to record this new EP, so it
has been developing this project as a full band compared to when it started with just

You’re playing 15 shows in April – What is the venue you’re looking forward to
playing the most?

The Band: The Bowery Ballroom (New York, NY) and Austin Psych Fest at
Mowhawk’s (Austin, TX)

Jarod: Yeah, I’ve seen my fair share of shows at the Bowery Ballroom, so it’s kind of
nice to be able to play one.

What is the plan for the next year?

Dean: We have another album in the cue we are shopping around right now and we
have a shows booked up until June right now. After that, we have the album waiting
to do something with, but we are waiting to see what comes out of this tour first.

How has the Toronto music scene affected your work?

Denholm: There’s almost too much to talk about

Jarod: There is a hustle here. There is a community, which is kind of unique
compared to the different cities I have lived in. I don’t think I’ve experienced
anything that is quite as developed (I guess) as what is going on here.

Dean: It does push you.

Jarod: For sure, you see someone has a new record coming out, they have their
show, and then make an awesome video…

Dean: It keeps raising the bar.

Denholm: And it’s your friends sometime, so we can all do this together…

Jarod: So, yeah – there’s this healthy competition.

Do you see your sound changing over time?

Dean: For sure 100%

Jarod: It’s like, that’s the point.

Dean: The second we start regurgitating the same stuff it’s going to be done.

Article and interview by Randy Nicholson