Directed by Michael Kelly, the show features Sascha Cole as a convincing Anne, reminding you of that one person in class who wouldn't keep still. There are few who have not read the book, making it all the more tough to embody Anne. Success comes as Sascha relays Anne's thoughts on young love, frustrations with members of the Annex and in particular, her mother.
Chris Karczmar, who appeared as Otto Frank, stood out for his presence on stage. He brought the night to a tender close as you shed tears for the loss of Anne's young life, her potential and the many other millions engulfed in the grip of war.
The audience at opening night were not there to laugh, clap or to cry. They watched it to remember, and to never let it happen again.
Tickets: $25 + HST; $18 + HST students/seniors
Box Office: Call 416 703 4881 or online at